I am a musician/songwriter/performer for over three decades. I am originally from the Boston area but call the Pacific Northwest my home. I am a multi instrumentalist singer song writer, playing acoustic and electric guitars, bass and pedal steel.I am a musician/songwriter/performer for over three decades. I am originally from the Boston area but call the Pacific Northwest my home. 

There is no way I can present myself as an artist and not come off as a touch self absorbed. Its part of my cosmic agreement and I would be dishonest to say that I don't spend a good amount of time studying the inner workings of my navel while at the same time contemplating what I've learned trying to reach the bottom of a whiskey glass - It just goes with the territory.

So I'll be blunt... what you hear is what you get. I've found over the years performing  and writing that trying to fit into a genre fueled a false sense of security as a songwriter for me. It never worked to try and write genre specific and  be something I'm not authentically expressing. I don't fit into fit into a single style of Alt Country, Folk, Rock or Blues. I do a little bit of everything because thats what comes natural.

Writing a bio about an artists work traditionally is meant as an introduction to paint a picture of what makes up the artist behind the music.

I'll try and keep this simple....

write songs and they are about stuff . Stuff I've experienced, observed or contemplated. Thematically the songs touch on the forces of nature, generational dysfunction, love, loss and and pure joy. It will be up to you the listener to take it, hold it for a moment or a lifetime and allow it to inspire either nothing at all or maybe the inner workings of a song of your own ...

This is what nobody said about my musicianship but maybe someone will....

- "Michael's voice comes from deep with the hurricane of his heart but leaves you within the comfort of the eye of his soul " 


- " Michael's guitar playing takes us on long and winding roads of exploration driven by creative tunings, rhythmic risks and melodic enterprise."